Digital Marketing Tutorial For Beginners [Episode 10]

We created an audio digital marketing tutorial for beginners in Episode 10 with some really great information for beginner content creators that want to increase their online exposure.  There are so many things to learn about online marketing especially when you are putting out information to the world.  How will your target audience or avatar find you if you are not strategic in your efforts?  We made it simpler for you with this tutorial in Today’s podcast episode so take a Listen & Enjoy!  Also if you haven’t already, check out Episode 9 as well.

Resources Mentioned In Episode 10

Brian Dean’s Article

Brian Dean’s SEO Video

My Pinterest Page

Private Facebook Group

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15 Digital Marketing Types And What It Means For Your Business  [Article]

Andre L. Vaughn 0:00

In episode number 10 of the digital marketing Creators Podcast, we're gonna talk about Digital Marketing Tutorial for Beginners. So we're gonna do a small tutorial here for beginners, we're gonna keep it quick. But we were just remember we're doing it for a purpose. And in terms of just we want to get some of the, you know, there's anyone that's listening to this, that's new, we just kind of want to put them on the right path, put them on the right track. So of course, stay tuned.

Intro 0:30

Welcome to the digital marketing Creators Podcast where we help creators and entrepreneurs just like you magnify your brand message through digital marketing tips and strategies. And now your hopes and dreams.

Promo 0:46

As a creator, or entrepreneur, you have so many things coming your way in terms of online marketing, digital marketing, and it can be so confusing, but we broke it down in this free mini course that we have, it's called the five day digital marketing mini course. And you can get that at or anywhere on that website, you should see something where you can sign up for that free course. And it's not a long course he does a real short course. And you know, we didn't want to take up a lot of your time when we put it together. But it kind of guides you through different aspects of of digital marketing, and we try to keep it condensed for you. So check that out at

Andre L. Vaughn 1:34

There are a bunch of different tutorials out there, you can look on YouTube, I've made some, you can look almost anywhere, and you're gonna have so many different tutorials on digital marketing. But I wanted to focus this one on beginners. And I want to keep it concise in a way that I only want to focus on a few things. And when you become a digital marketer, or if you're a creator, kind of any type of content creator, or entrepreneur that's on the path of of creating content, you want to keep it simple.

And I try to focus on a few areas just like I did in the first few episodes, I encourage you guys to listen to the first what actually the first episode is the trailer. So the episode two through five, which is our focus four series, where I talk about personal branding in one episode and another brand messaging, and in another content creation and social media marketing, also. So you want to make sure that you guys listen to that episode. So we can go down many avenues of of digital marketing. But we're gonna stay on on, I guess on the road to about five different things today.

And you heard me in other episodes while I speak of you know, how people consume content. So you want to make sure that you understand that also. But the first one I want to talk about, I encourage everyone to have a website and have a blog. Okay, so you want to make sure that you get a, you know, hosting account and domain name and all that stuff. Also, within that you want to make sure that you take a peek at the competition in whatever area or whatever niche that you are our industry that you are in, you want to make sure you know, your competition, how are they creating content? You know, what are they doing on our social media, and all of that.

So this first one we want to talk about, like I said a website and blog. And you want to actually produce content that is low competition as you possibly can. And the reason for that is you're gonna get more eyes on your content. When you do that. And also going back to your you know, your competition, you want to see what they're talking about. You want to do a deep dive on that. Also, you know, when you start when you set up your blog and you start writing, you want to make sure that you have enough long blog posts, all of your blog posts don't have to be long.

Maybe the first, if you can craft out the first 30 always talks about the first 30 blog posts. First 30 You want to be you want it to be related, you want to break it down into three areas. But all of them don't have to be longer what I consider long blog posts are like over 1000 words or 1500 words or even 2000 Plus word blog posts. Your first 30 all don't have to be that long. So I don't want to put any pressure on you think you have to write 30 1,000 word articles but you can so it, it will help if you can, or if you have the, you know the budget or the team to do that. And a The more the merrier. But those are some important factors for your your blog or your website.

Another factor I want to hit on is search engine optimization, SEO, and the different elements of search engine optimization, organizing your content to be seen organizing your website to be seen organizing your blog to be seen, do you have the proper keywords? Are you using? Are you focusing in on your technical SEO, because that's important. Also, a lot of people don't think that's important, but it is.

So it's really three elements of social, not social search engine optimization, really three areas and that's on page SEO. And on page SEO is pretty much making sure all your keywords is right, making sure you have your descriptions filled out on that particular page or blog posts, either or both should have a should have the areas filled out in terms of your description. tags if if it allows you to enter tags, but your title, your description, and your actual your actual work your h2 tags, you know even go as far as h3 and h4 tags. Also, y'all if you don't know what I'm talking about, you can look that up. And you know, I may do a do an episode on on those. At some point. It's a little deeper now. But that's just the gist of on page SEO and

Off page SEO is in a nutshell, just to kind of keep it simple backlinks. Its links is it's where where's your content found online content found on social? Do you have people sharing your content? Is it on other websites. So those are links backlinks. So that's in a nutshell, like I said, it's trying to keep this podcast as quick as possible. But that's the simplest, simplest form of off page SEO.

Technical SEO is the other.... technical SEO is things such as you know, when you're setting up your, your blogs and websites, it's things such as your robots. txt files, it's your sitemaps. So those are, you know, those are technical things, but they're fairly easy or if some, you know, someone else is hooking up your, your website for you and your blog for you. You know, they'll know about all of that stuff. But, you know, do some research on this stuff.

Another important area to focus on if you have a YouTube channel, I would suggest you to get a YouTube channel. Because that's how people consume content through videos. And YouTube is a great platform for that. And so there's a few things that I would like for you to focus on. And those things are your title, make sure you understand what headlines, what type of headlines, what type of titles that you should write on YouTube.

Also, what's important is your description. And tags tags are not as important on YouTube as they used to be. So if you decide to use some tags, I wouldn't put more than about six to eight, I will say about six tags, I'm not going to say eight, about six tags in your tag area on YouTube, but you have to have a compelling title. Make sure you have the proper information in your description describing the video. And you can use tags if you want to some people you know there's some people that don't even use tags. But make sure you have the proper key word in your title and a proper keywords in your description.

Also, obviously describing the video, another thing within your videos within the particular content. Make sure that you use what's called pattern interrupts you've watched those videos and seems like every five to 10 seconds or five to 15 seconds within that range. There's like something different in the video, whether it's a different shot, where it looks like there's two camera angles or they might shift to something else but something is happening like every somewhere between the 10 I will say 10 to 1510 to 12 second mark something is happening the A friend. So that's called a pattern interrupt. So and you want to do you want to do pattern interrupts because you want to make sure that the video isn't the same.

So you don't want to do talking head videos. So if you're sitting down doing a talking head video, you at least want to have some pattern interrupts in it, you want to cut in some, you know, some different,maybe some different maybe if you have a, you know, some type of drone footage, or, you know, whatever it is that's describing the video pattern, interrupts other videos, all types of different things you can do with pattern, interrupts, pattern, interrupts,

Two other things we're going to talk about within YouTube is audience retention. And watch time, and I'm going to explain what those are. Audience retention, sometimes referred to us viewer retention is the average percentage of a YouTube video that people watch. And that's from a brandings, website, And, and he says videos with high audit audience retention scores tend to have increased visibility on YouTube's platform.

So the goal is you want to keep them on the platform as much as possible, in order for your audience retention to score well, so. And the key to doing that also is making let's say If you make 10 videos, you want to make sure those you ever see those videos are in playlists are right after you, you finish, you finish watching the video, or they asks you to, you know, click here or whatever, or they're telling you, hey, we have another video about sad subject, or it's something related to the video that you just watch. So you want to do videos like that, because you want to keep them on the platform. A lot of people don't understand that about YouTube. But that's the key. You want to keep people on their platform.

And watch time is just the total amount of time that viewer spend watching your videos. And this, like I said, with audience retention, you want to make sure you keep them on the platform. If you develop and you know how to keep people on YouTube's platform, you know, that's free organic traffic for you. So people will stay watching your videos, and then they'll like, subscribe and share your videos and all that, especially if the content is good. So keep that in mind.

And the last thing that I'm going to talk about is just organic traffic. You know, if you if you put enough content out there enough valuable content, enough content that helps people, people are going to share that content. And what I believe I believe there's two platforms that are the best for organic traffic. One of them I just spoke about, which is YouTube, the other is website, or social media. Some people don't call it social media because they look at it as a visual platform. And I think it's Pinterest.

Pinterest is so underrated, if you know how to use it or you learn or if you learn how to use it. And what's important on that particular platform, it will bring you a bunch of organic traffic is well or it can bring you a bunch of organic traffic as well. And that was kind of the social media element that I wanted to bring.

So I wanted to just do a small tutorial, I want to talk about what's important in terms of blog and website what's important in terms of SEO, I wanted to do some real quick on YouTube and on social media. And hopefully I did that for you guys. And you guys learned exactly what the hell I was talking about. I'm sure you guys did. But of course if you have any questions I welcome you guys to come to the our private Facebook group at that's And check out the show notes also should be a transcript there at

We're on episode number 10 Already Wow, not a long tutorial. But you know, I want to give you some 15 minute tutorial and kinda You know if you're especially if you're newbie and you know, be a lot of information, a lot overwhelming information out there. But I wanted to to kind of narrow your focus a little bit. So I wanted to put out a small tutorial on the importance of different aspects in digital marketing.

So I hope you guys learn once again, that's In the next episode, I'm going to discuss how to learn some other digital marketing strategies and just how to learn it. And without all the pressure and without all the mumbo jumbo and kind of keep your focus in a guided direction. So you want to get all the convoluted information scattered all through your brain or what not. So, we'll see you in the next episode. That'll be episode 11. So we'll see you there. Thank you.

Outro 15:35

Thanks for listening to the Digital Marketing Creators Podcast at

Andre L. Vaughn
Andre L. Vaughn

Andre L. Vaughn is a digital marketing content creator and author of "Social Media Simple Marketing" who helps creators and entrepreneurs magnify their brand message to generate leads that convert to sales. He's also a contributor at Addicted2Success, The Good MenProject & Thrive Global, and a graduate at the University of Missouri-St. Louis (B.S. Information Systems & B.S. Business Administration).