How To Create A Digital Marketing Strategy [Episode 8]

We explain in Episode 8 How To Create A Digital Marketing Strategy in a fairly easy way. We focus highly on content creation and consumption. Understanding how content is consumed is key because it gives you a better understanding of your prospects and current customers. What’s the best way to create content? There are so many ways to do so but we give some examples of how to create different types in a “Batch” form if it works for you. Have you listened to Episode 7?
Resources Mentioned In Episode 8
Gary Vaynerchuk On His Book “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook” [Video]
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Andre L. Vaughn 0:00
In episode nine of the Digital Marketing Creators Podcast, we're going to talk about how to create a digital marketing strategy. If you are creator, entrepreneur, or any of those things, we're going to show you how to create one, stay tuned.
Intro 0:19
Welcome to the digital marketing Creators Podcast where we help creators and entrepreneurs just like you magnify your brand message through digital marketing tips and strategies. And now your hopes and dreams.
Promo 0:35
As a creator, or entrepreneur, you have so many things coming your way in terms of online marketing, digital marketing, and it can be so confusing, but we broke it down in this free mini course that we have, it's called the five day digital marketing mini course. And you can get that at Digital Marketing or anywhere on that website, you should see something where you can sign up for that free course. And it's not a long course he does a real short course. And you know, we didn't want to take up a lot of your time when we put it together. But it kind of guides you through different aspects of of digital marketing, and we try to keep it condensed for you. So check that out at mini-course.
Andre L. Vaughn 1:22
What's going on everybody? This is Andre with the Digital Marketing Creators Podcast. I'm your host today, I'm your host every day, or every time that you listen to this. Today, we're gonna talk about how to create a digital marketing strategy. We're gonna keep it simple, we're not going to do all these crazy different things, actually, I think creating a strategy, it's I think it's fairly easy when you when you think of it in terms when you break it down, actually, when you break it down to where I'm going to break it down in this podcast.
So the way that I think of a digital marketing, content strategy, or let's just call it a digital marketing strategy, the way I think of it is, I think of it, how do people create? Or how do they consume content? How do we consume content? Three, three ways right?
If you want to really simplify, we content is written. So we read, we read books, articles, newspaper articles, since we're talking digital marketing or online marketing, we read things on websites. So we read blog posts, we read articles. So I think of it in that way. So that requires what blogging.
Also think of it you know, we're visual learners, so videos, and not just videos, just other visual visual things also, but will, for the sake of this will will say videos will just keep it right on video. So we create content, or consume content, in terms of video. So YouTube, you see a lot of videos on YouTube, you see a lot, I'm just on social in general.
Also audio podcasts, podcasts. Like when you're listening to also on social media, you have things such as Twitter spaces, you have clubhouse, so you know, there's a lot of social platforms that are adding audio features. So think of it in those ways, just in those three simple areas.
Content is consumed by blogging, by video, & audio. So, you know, if you are producing content, those are the three areas that you're gonna, you're gonna produce. Now, we can go in other areas also, in this podcast in terms of and we will accent in terms of SEO, search engine optimization.
So I would genuine if you're a beginner, I generally like for people to not stay away from, from SEO, understand what it is know what it is, yes, it is important, but don't consume yourself with it. I think a lot of times people will try to learn all these different strategies, too much things that they probably not, they're not going to be the ones you know, especially if you if you're not the ones that's actually building the sites and creating the content in terms of actually doing the writing and stuff like that yourself but it's all it's definitely all good and I think you should definitely understand SEO.
Also understand, you know, social media, you know, your social media strategy, or what have you. And if you're doing Pay Per Click Like if you're doing affiliate marketing and email marketing, also, those are important, as well. But I will say you must commit to a long term plan, if you're creating content, commit to a long term plan.
Also decide what platforms fit your brand. So I always highly recommend you to have a website, have a blog, in terms of video, I think everyone should have a YouTube channel, because that's free, it's not going to take a whole lot to make videos or you know, we all have phones. So start there, you don't need all this all this fancy equipment so start there.
With audio in terms of podcasting, podcasting is actually easy, right now, if you if you get your you know, the headphones, that comes with your phone or what not, as a microphone piece on there, lock yourself in, in a closet where you don't hear a bunch of noise. And you can start creating podcasts that way through your phone.
Now, I wish somebody would have told me Well, I actually knew that I wish I would have done it that way, just to start off. So you can always change your equipment, you can always change anything. But if you're starting off do you know you can, you can do those things, you can do all three of those things.
Also, focus on your organic content. So you're going to be putting out a bunch of free content, there's nothing wrong with that. Maybe if you have a different budget, you could start right away, if you you know, have the knowledge on on paid ads, you can start doing that right away also. So you know, everybody has different budgets, and everybody's gonna have a different kind of start. But I'm just trying to try to set some parameters in terms of creating a digital marketing strategy.
In terms of social media marketing, I always say start off somewhere and get good at it. So in other words, you should have one, no more than two, if you want to call, Hey, I'm gonna do a blog, I'm gonna do a restore me a YouTube channel. And hey, I'm gonna work with Facebook. Also, I have no problem with that, that's, that's all on you. But if you're gonna do that, make sure you get good at the YouTube, make sure you get good at Facebook, you want to get good at producing content on your blog, also.
But you want to determine how many pieces of content should you put out. Also, with social media marketing, your content will be distributed also. But when I mean get pretty good at those things, you have to give on those platforms also. So don't just use those platforms as a place to distribute your content. So make sure that you're on there.
You're having conversations with people, you're sharing things yourself, you're liking you're commenting, and liking, commenting, sharing, that make sure you're doing all of those things, also do more of that, then you are actually putting your content on those platforms.
So always use kind of like Gary Vaynerchuk book, "Jab, Jab, Jab Right Hook." He's basically saying give give before you ask. And that's the same, not just with, let's say if you had an online program you're trying to sell that's it's using the same analogy you want to give, give, give give to your audience before you ask. So even on all social media platforms, you want to give give give in terms of the likes, shares and comments before you even share any of your stuff. So kind of remember that.
So you can plan out your entire content strategy. By doing things such as even on your let's say, if you are doing creating YouTube videos, I will say do something like this record eight YouTube videos for the entire month. Let's say you are releasing two videos a week, you can create eight videos. Batch produced them, so make them all in the same day. It's gonna save you a helluva lot of time also, and you're not going to have to revisit you know, doing certain things with that particular content. So, record eight YouTube videos for the month.
You can write two to two to four blog posts for a particular month. You can create eight or 12 podcast episodes. So however you want to do it. I'm on record I'm sorry, eight to 12 One to one and a half minute videos, for your Facebook or for your Instagram, you can record about four to six podcast episodes for a month, you can, you know, record eight to 12, or more 15 to 60 second Tik Tok videos.
So there's a, there's a lot you can do in terms of producing content, and having a strategy. And I'm not saying, I'm not really in this episode, not really pointing at anything, in particular in terms of a you should do this amount of this, and that amount of it, and this amount of this and that, you know, because you, you're all gonna have your own, you know, everybody's time is different.
So everybody's going to do and produce a little differently, and everybody's going to have, they're going to create their digital strategy as best as it fit them in their time, and all of that stuff. So I understand all of that. But the most important thing that I want you to get out of this episode, think of how people are consuming content, like I said, through written content, through videos to audio.
Also, even with with videos, you have to understand this YouTube is what? YouTube has, is basically long term content. Also, YouTube has YouTube shorts, also, which is their version of Tik Tok, their version of Snap Chat, or what have you. So you can think of think of videos and as long form content, or any of these platforms as long form content and short form content.
Whether it's blogging videos, even audios, you know, you probably you can do a five minute audio podcast. You can do a 30 minute audio pocket, you know, so mix and match and and see what you get to put stuff out there and see what your audience likes, see what other people are doing also, because you don't want to waste a whole lot of time, as well. So I hope I helped you guys with some with some with some awesome tidbits on how to create a digital marketing strategy.
And that's kind of the short the short term of it also, because actually, in doing that, you want to make sure that you're using email marketing, and you want to make sure you collect emails, and so on and so forth. But that's those some important things that I left you guys In this episode.
Make sure you check out the show notes at And in the next episode, I want to talk about a few digital marketing tools you'll need to grow. So make sure you check us out in our private Facebook group. I'm talking all over my words at that's And hey, we'll see you when and we'll see you in the next episode as well. Thanks for joining me and hey, have a good day.
Outro 13:10
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